Saturday, September 4, 2021

Indian Connection in "The Office"


The office sitcom
One of the best sitcom of all time “the office” tried to include every type of person in its office. Either fat, slim, tall, black and white or sharp, slow minded, neutral, clever and all rounded people. They also included people from ethnic identity such as Mexican gay, black and an Indian. Inclusion of Mexican and black people is common in Hollywood series because everyone knows the reason. A big number of black people lives in America and Mexico is neighbor country of America. So when they included Indian people, not only one occasion but also many times, it increases our curiosity why they did so.
All character in the office
Employees of "the office"
I tried to search the answer of this question but could not find any answer. I also searched if any member of the production team including writers or script writer is Indian but It didn't help either.


Kelly kapoor job interview
Kelly Kapoor in the office


Kelly Rajnigandha Kapoor is the main Indian Character in the office. She is not only main character as an Indian but she also remains a prominent character throughout the series. In first season, we barely notice her existence. But, in coming seasons, her character changes very dynamically. 

From a shy girl who bears the racist remarks of Michael and whose dressing also does not attract us, she emerges as a bold girl with an excellent fashion sense, who does not bear illogical and wrong remarks of anyone including her boss or anyone else. However, it is odd to see that Kelly is shown as an south Indian in the office but her last name is "kapoor" which is the surname of Pujabis (North Indian). I think the office writer took a famous surname of Indian without knowing the true meaning of it.

Kelly kapoor as a hindu Indian


In its every season, “The office” has one episode of Christmas (sometimes two also). So, when they also went to celebrate American Indian community organized ‘Diwali” on the invitation of Kelly Kapoor, it did not seem common to us. This episode also introduced kelly’s parents and cousin in this episode. 

Kelly Kapoor parents
Kelly kapoor with her parents in Diwali Episode
We rarely see Diwali celebration in Hollywood series. Diwali Episode focuses on Diwali celebration where Michael proposed carol stills and she denied his proposal. Diwali episode also taught me one thing that despite the explosion of information in this digital world, people still keep miss-conception about that community, which they don’t know through their people and only knows by books. 

Diwali episode


When Jen lavinston moved with Michael and they started to live together, Michael’s financial burden became high due to unnecessary shopping of Jen lavinson. And he tried to curb financial difficulties by second job in a call center where he met with an Indian co-worker Vikram and became friend with him. This was also not common because why Michael only found an Indian Friend and not a friend of any other community, however, there were also other people of other community in that call center.

Micheal second job
Micheal with Vikram at call center


IT guy was one of the most hated person in the office because he had the freedom to search computer of the employees and to delete unnecessary content. The office employees didn’t like him. But, then IT guy changed and new IT guy was the Indian Sikh. This was also interesting to see when that IT guy attended meeting with the office employees (an unnecessary footage given to IT guy). 

IT Guy in the office
Sikh IT Guy


Kelly and Ryan’s relationship in the office was most irritating relationship. Ryan used Kelly for his purposes and whenever he got big opportunity, he dumb Kelly. To teach the lesson and in reality to show off, Kelly engaged with Ravi, a pediatric surgeon who also treated Jim and Pam’s baby. But this relationship was just to tease Ryan and Kelly was also successful in this tactics. But, we again see a very wrong act of Ryan and Kelly, when both of them run away by abandoning the child of Ryan. This was really problematic. 

Ravi in the office
Ravi in the office with kelly and pam

 Thus, the office showed Indian characters many times. But I personally don’t know the reason. But if you are reading it and you know the reason, please let me know in comment.



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